Michigan ethanol, biofuel plants spew toxic pollution despite green image, report says

A report from the Environmental Integrity Project, a Washington, D.C.-based environmental group, reveals that biofuel plants, including those in Michigan, are significant emitters of toxic air pollution. Despite their reputation as green alternatives to gasoline and diesel, these facilities release large amounts of hazardous pollutants, often impacting rural Midwestern communities with otherwise healthy air quality. The June 12 report calls for stricter enforcement of environmental laws to address these emissions.
Plants making ethanol, biodiesel and other biofuels, including some in Michigan, are major emitters of toxic air pollution despite their image as purveyors of a green alternative to gasoline and diesel, according to a new report from a Washington, D.C.-based environmental group.
“Biofuel factories release surprisingly large amounts of hazardous air pollution, often into rural Midwestern communities that suffer from unhealthy air quality despite having no significant pollution sources around them, other than the smokestacks of ethanol refineries,” reads the June 12 report from the Environmental Integrity Project, a nonprofit that advocates for stricter enforcement of environmental law.