Israel : A stable, green way to make biogas a viable energy source

Israeli climate-tech company Clairion is working to enhance biogas utilization in the renewable energy sector. Their Sulkan solution employs innovative catalytic liquid technology to treat biogas, addressing issues like methane emissions and impurities that hinder efficiency. Traditional biogas treatment methods consume up to 50% of energy generation costs. Clairion aims to make biogas a viable alternative for generating electricity and integrating into gas grids. For more information, you can read the full article here.
Biogas — produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter such as agricultural waste, municipal waste and food waste – is an important renewable source of energy that burns without smoke.
That gives biogas obvious potential as a green fuel. However, it has not yet lived up to that potential.
One reason is that it isn’t always efficient or economical on a small scale. Another reason is that biogas contains the problematic greenhouse gas methane, as well as many corrosive impurities that are difficult to remove.
Israeli climate-tech company Clairion aims to make biogas a major player in the fast-growing market for renewable energy sources, says Clairion COO Hagay Keller.
Clairion’s Sulkan solution for biogas treatment uses a novel catalytic liquid technology and unique absorption and separation processes, he explains.
“Biogas is produced naturally in many industries and is often flared – burned — because it mainly contains methane. This is a waste,” Keller tells ISRAEL21c.
In order to utilize biogas by injecting it into a generator to produce local electricity and heat or sending it to the gas grid, he says, “first you have to clean it of impurities so you don’t damage the infrastructure equipment.”
However, current methods of treating biogas typically take up to 50 percent of energy generation costs, he says.
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