Rice News in English

Malaysia : RM5.4b to boost national rice production

The Malaysian government has allocated RM5.4 billion to boost rice production, focusing on infrastructure and a five-season planting cycle over two years. PM Anwar Ibrahim announced RM1 billion will be disbursed this year. He also addressed concerns about low-quality seeds and fertilisers while ensuring financial aid for farmers through Bernas’ RM15 million contribution before Ramadhan.

THE government has allocated RM5.4 billion to boost the country’s rice production, focusing on infrastructure development, including implementing a five-season planting cycle over two years.

Utusan Malaysia reported that Prime Minister (PM) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said RM1 billion would be disbursed this year to support the multi-phase project, as announced in last year’s Madani Budget.

“The total cost of this project is RM5 billion. We are expediting the first phase, including assuring farmers that a five-season planting cycle within two years can be achieved in the Muda area (near Ayer Hitam, Kedah).

“This also proves that the government does not neglect the welfare of farmers, as they are the backbone of the country’s food sector.

“The government must be trustworthy in carrying out its responsibilities. Even after I retire, these efforts must continue,” he said during the launch of the Infrastructure Development Project to Support the Five-season Rice Planting Programme in the Muda area, yesterday.

The PM emphasised that the RM1 billion allocation for a single area is a significant amount and should not be taken lightly.

“Similarly, if the flood mitigation issue is not addressed, it will not only damage crops but will also disrupt people’s lives,” he said.

Anwar also acknowledged farmers’ concerns regarding low-quality seeds and fertilisers, which have impacted rice yields.

As a result, he instructed the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security to hold discussions with stakeholders, including farmers, to find solutions.

In another matter, Anwar announced that half of the RM30 million contribution from Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary through Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas) would soon be distributed to farmers in preparation for Ramadhan and Syawal.

“I would like to thank Bernas, especially Syed Mokhtar, because when I assumed office as PM, I told him that instead of Bernas giving money to political parties, it would be better to give it to the farmers.

“That’s why since last year, he has contributed RM50 million. This year, an additional RM15 million has been provided to help farmers prepare for Ramadhan and Aidilfitri,” he said. 

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Source : The Malaysian Reserve

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