Rice News in English

Rice consumption by foreign visitors to Japan forecast to rise 34 percent

​Japan’s agriculture ministry projects that foreign visitors will consume approximately 70,000 tons of rice in 2025, a 34% increase from the previous year. Despite this rise, officials anticipate minimal impact on the nation’s overall rice supply and demand. The surge in tourism has contributed to increased rice consumption, prompting the government to release 210,000 tons from its stockpiles to stabilize soaring prices.

Japan’s agriculture ministry says this year’s rice consumption by foreign visitors to Japan is expected to increase 34 percent from last year to 70,000 tons. But ministry officials say it will have limited impact on the country’s overall rice supply and demand situation.

The ministry forecasts foreign travelers visiting Japan this year will consume 18,000 tons more rice than last year.

The estimate is based on the assumption that the number of visitors to Japan will increase more than 30 percent from last year and that they will have two meals a day during an average stay of 10 days. They are assumed to eat 78 grams of rice per meal.

The ministry says rice consumption by foreign tourists this year is expected to be the highest since 2010.

The officials also say that domestic demand for table rice is likely to decrease by 110,000 tons to 6.63 million tons in a one year-period that will begin in July. Rice production is expected to increase from last year’s 100,000 tons to 120,000 tons.

They say how much rice foreign tourists consume will have limited impact on Japan’s overall rice supply and demand situation, amid soaring prices of the food, a staple in the country.

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Source : Nhk World

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