At 1.17 lakh hectares, area under maize sees 24% rise

In Punjab, maize cultivation has increased to 1.17 lakh hectares this kharif season, up by 24.4% from the previous year. The state and central governments have allocated ₹289 crore for the crop diversification plan, offering ₹7,000 per acre as incentives. This shift from paddy aims to conserve water, addressing the decline in subsoil water levels. With approximately 2 lakh hectares left to sow paddy, the government is focusing on expanding maize cultivation to achieve a target of 3 lakh hectares.
At least 1.17 lakh hectares (2.8 lakh acres) are under maize cultivation in Punjab this kharif season, marking an increase in the number of farmers who have shifted from water-guzzling paddy to become eligible to get an incentive of ₹7,000 per acre under the crop diversification plan.
“There is an increase of 23,000 hectares (24.4%) than the previous kharif season’s figure of 94,000 hectares (2.3 lakh acres). This is a good sign and we hope to expand the area under maize in the next kharif season,” said agriculture director Jaswant Singh.
The state government had recently announced incentives for farmers who shift from paddy to other water conserving crops. A sum of ₹289 crore has been sanctioned for the crop diversification plan for which the state will contribute 40% and the Centre 60%. This way, farmers are entitled to get at least ₹200 crore as incentives.
The incentive is offered for a maximum of 5 hectares (12.5 acres) and the cultivators have to produce J-forms as an evidence regarding sold maize crop to be entitled for incentive. As the paddy cultivation for this season is nearing end and about 2 lakh hectares (5 lakh acres) is waiting to be sown, the state agriculture department is making attempts to bring more area under the maize crop.
Out of the total 30 lakh hectares, paddy, including the aromatic premium variety basmati, has been sown on more than 28 lakh hectares and the rest is waiting to be cultivated. It is this remaining land the state government looks to target for maize cultivation to reach the target of 3 lakh hectares.
This comes after the Centre agreed to bring it under the federal crop diversification programme following a meeting between Union agriculture minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his Punjab counterpart Gurmeet Singh Khudian in the national capital a fortnight ago.
“The attempts are to encourage the farmers to diversify and shift from water-guzzling paddy to other crops that require less water. I am sure farmers will agree as a considerable amount is being offered as incentive,” said special chief secretary (agriculture) KAP Sinha.
The water-guzzling paddy crop consumes 3,367 litres (as per the figures from the commission for agricultural costs and prices) to produce 1-kg rice and this has led to an acute fall in the subsoil water levels, turning 142 out of 165 blocks in the state dark zones where the average fall in the water table is one metre per year.
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