The Karnal sugar mill in Haryana plans to provide a cane-harvesting machine to local farmers to alleviate labor shortages. This decision follows...
An investment summit will be held in Bhilwara, Rajasthan, to sign an MoU for establishing a ₹150 crore ethanol plant. The facility...
In a recent bureaucratic reshuffle, Sangeet Singla has been appointed Joint Secretary of the Department of Food & Public Distribution, effective from...
Union Minister Manohar Lal reviewed the power sector in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, discussing power generation challenges and solutions, including reducing...
The Tamilaga Vivasayigal Sangam has expressed concern about Dharani Sugars' unfulfilled commitment to resume cane-crushing and settle dues by November. Farmers in...
The Malkapur Sugar Mill in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh, is set to begin its sugarcane crushing season on October 26 despite outstanding payments...
Associated Alcohols & Breweries Limited won a contract to supply 29,724 kiloliters of ethanol to Bharat Petroleum, Indian Oil, and Hindustan Petroleum....
Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) plans to reach a 1% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) blend in jet fuel by Q3 2025, ahead of...
The sugar mills in Bardoli and Chalthan, Surat district, are expanding their operations to include power generation alongside sugar, bagasse, and molasses....