UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has announced sugarcane processing was up during the first half of November. Ethanol production and sales...
UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has announced sugarcane processing was up during the first half of November. Ethanol production and sales...
Corn consumption for fuel ethanol production in September was down slightly when compared to the previous month, but up significantly when compared...
A coalition of biofuel and farm groups on Nov. 27 released a statement expressing disappointment in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’...
Reps. Nikki Budzinski, D-Ill., and Zach, Nunn, R-Iowa, on Nov. 15 announced the introduction of a bill that aims to update the...
Conestoga Energy and SAFFiRE Renewables LLC announced today their agreement for Conestoga to host SAFFiRE’s cellulosic ethanol pilot plant at Conestoga’s Arkalon...
The USDA raised its forecast for 2023-’24 corn use in ethanol production by 25 million bushels in its latest World Agricultural Supply...
USDA Rural Development Senior Advisor Cindy Axne on Nov. 7 announced that USDA is awarding a $2.25 million grant to Golden Grain...
UNICA, the Brazilian sugarcane industry association, has announced that both sugarcane processing and ethanol production were up during the first half of...