Maize shortages in Zimbabwe have raised food security concerns, with the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) failing to meet supply targets. In late...
The Zimbabwean government, led by Industry Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu, dismissed claims from sugarcane millers regarding the illegitimacy of the new revenue-sharing ratio,...
Zimbabwe's sugar tax, introduced in 2024 to fund cancer treatment equipment, raised ZiG7.9 million in the first quarter and ZiG248.9 million (~US$18...
Seed Co Limited, a major seed supplier in Zimbabwe, faces a liquidity crisis due to a US$13.31 million debt owed by the...
SeedCo Limited reported a significant decline in maize seed sales volumes by nearly one-third for the year ending March 2024, attributed to...
The Grain Marketing Board (GMB) announced this week that it disbursed US$3.29 million to farmers who delivered maize and other grains since...
The Zimbabwean Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development has reported that this year’s maize harvest will be 70% smaller than the previous...
Deputy Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Vangelis Peter Haritatos lost maize valued at US$160 000 to some Harare millers, reported NewsDay....
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce has engaged key stakeholders, including the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe and the Grain Marketing Board,...