Union Minister Nitin Gadkari hailed hydrogen as the "fuel of the future," promising green fuel for Indian vehicles. Addressing an election rally...
In western Uttar Pradesh, a political shift is evident, departing from the past's Modi-centric focus. TOI's Atul Thakur notes local dynamics now...
A US agribusiness trade mission suggests India import ethanol and corn for feedstock to achieve its 2025 ethanol blending goal. Alexis Taylor,...
The NFCSF praised the government's allowance of 7 lakh tonnes of excess B-heavy molasses for ethanol production, easing financial burdens on sugar...
The government permits sugar mills to utilize 6.7 lakh tonnes of B-heavy molasses for ethanol production, exceeding the 17 lakh tonnes sugar...
Notwithstanding efforts by Islamabad to improve ties with Moscow and China’s role in that process, Russia has warned Pakistan that it would...
The shares of Greenhitech Ventures debuted with a premium of 90% on the BSE SME platform on Monday. The stock listed at...
Kolkata: Indian tea and basmati rice exporters have decided to halt exports to Iran, Israel and other Middle Eastern countries with the...
Washington: India has opened up its market to the American farming industry in as many as 12 different categories, a top Biden...