Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Saturday said a total of Rs 2,13,400 crore have been paid to sugarcane farmers in...
Vishwaraj Sugar Industries(up 1.89%), Dhampur Sugar Mills(up 0.95%), Simbhaoli Sugars(up 0.91%), KCP Sugar & Industries(up 0.78%), Dwarikesh Sugar Industries(up 0.70%), Rajshree Sugars...
After touching multi year high, prices of select agricultural products like rice and sugar are trading at close to the 10 to...
India’s palm oil imports sank to a 27-month low in May as buyers cancelled expensive cargoes of the edible oil and replaced...
Prices of rice exported from top hub India edged higher this week from a near six-month trough as weaker rates attracted buyers...
NEW DELHI: Sugar stocks were trading higher on Thursday at 11:21AM Ugar Sugar Works(up 2.89%), EID Parry(up 2.84%), Kothari Sugars & Chemicals(up...
NEW DELHI: Sugar shares closed higher in the Monday’s session.Sakthi Sugars(up 19.95%), Simbhaoli Sugars(up 19.36%), BAJAJHIND(up 11.23%), Vishwaraj Sugar Industries(up 5.68%), Rajshree...
Ugar Sugar Works(up 1.57%), Dhampur Sugar Mills(up 1.38%), AVADHSUGAR(up 1.08%), K.M.Sugar Mills(up 0.92%), Rana Sugars(up 0.90%), Simbhaoli Sugars(up 0.89%), BAJAJHIND(up 0.74%), Mawana...
Rice is in trouble as Earth heats up, threatening the food and livelihood of billions of people. Sometimes there’s not enough rain...