Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Thursday announced hike in commission amount for PDS distributors from ₹1.24 to ₹1.5 a kg of rice given...
The government has fixed a conservative target of wheat procurement in the range of 30-32 million tonnes during the 2024-25 rabi marketing season, according...
The story so far: As farmers protest on Delhi borders, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on Wednesday approved ₹340/quintal as the Fair and...
As the wheat harvest and procurement season is about to begin in March, the Centre said it was hopeful of resolving the farmers’...
Nitin Gadkari, Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, has urged State governments to promote the production and use of ethanol as...
The Tamil Nadu government will allocate ₹250 crore to provide a special incentive of ₹215 per metric tonne (MT), over and above...
Farmers’ organisations have expressed disappointment over “the lack of initiatives” in the State Agriculture Budget to ensure remunerative prices for farm produce....
Some farmers held a meeting on Sunday against Minister S.S. Mallikarjun accusing him of hatching a conspiracy to close down a sugar...
The Virudhunagar Flying Squad seized 2,211 kg of ration rice that was being smuggled in a cargo vehicle near Aruppukottai on Thursday....