Bangladesh : Maize cultivation getting a boost in Naogaon

Maize cultivation is expanding in 11 upazilas due to favorable conditions, fair prices, and local agricultural support. The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) aims to cultivate maize on 7,635 hectares with a target yield of 93,300 tonnes. Farmers have already planted maize on 5,250 hectares (69% of the target). Hybrid seeds and fertilizers were distributed to 1,300 farmers under a government incentive program
The cultivation of maize is being expanded in 11 upazilas of the district due to favorable climatic conditions, fair prices for the crop, and appropriate initiatives by the local agriculture offices.
The Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) has set a target to cultivate maize on 7,635 hectares of land during the current season with a production target of 93,300 tonnes of maize.
Farmers of the district have already cultivated maize on 5,250 hectares of land, which is 69 percent of the total target.
Deputy Director of DAE Abul Kalam Azad said that maize cultivation is increasing gradually in the district as it is currently used as food for fish and cattle, apart from its plants being widely used as fuel.
The DAE has already distributed hybrid varieties of maize seeds and fertilizers as incentives for the cultivation of maize under the agricultural incentive and rehabilitation program among the farmers of the district free of cost, he said.
The agriculture department distributed seeds and fertilizers among 1,300 marginal farmers in the district as an incentive to encourage them to cultivate maize on their land.
Farmers cultivated maize on 220 hectares of land in Naogaon Sadar upazila, 830 hectares in Raninagar, 4,725 hectares in Atrai, 140 hectares in Badalgachhi, 315 hectares in Mahadevpur, 40 hectares in Patnitala, 350 hectares in Dhamairhat, 75 hectares in Sapahar, 385 hectares in Porsha, 515 hectares in Manda, and 40 hectares in Niamatpur upazila.
Each farmer has been provided with two kg of seeds, 20kg of DAP fertilizer, and 10 kg of MOP fertilizer for one bigha of land.
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Source : The Business Standard