The prices of rice, atta and sugar went up while that of other commodities, including onion and potato, remained high on the...
With less than two months remaining in the current oil year, India has already achieved a record-breaking import of 139.7 lakh tonnes...
Just over a month and half into paddy procurement for 2023-24 season (October-September) by agencies, the rice stocks with the Food Corporation of...
Chandigarh: If Punjab is asked to shift from paddy to other crops, as a measure to check stubble burning , which is...
KEDAH – In five months, Malaysia may face a severe shortage of local white rice because of unpredictable weather and the bloated price of...
Russian government has marginally raised the wheat export tax, while pushing down the corn tax for the period… For More Details Visit:...
Intermittent rain since Thursday night has brought a major respite from smog in Muktsar district, but farmers said it will delay farm...
A new research study has identified two Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains that act as priming agents, significantly increasing wheat protection against...
Wheat futures are down by 1 to 3 cents across the front months, though SRW is trading fractionally mixed in early Friday...