Much to the relief of the common man, the prices of edible oils have dipped lately. Reportedly, the mustard oil and oilseed...
Chandigarh: Punjab government is discouraging sowing of the high-yield, water-guzzler spring maize to save the state’s groundwater as the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, does not promote the crop because...
SINGAPORE, March 12 (Reuters) – Chicago wheat futures slid on Tuesday, with the market facing pressure from leading importer China cancelling more U.S. cargoes...
NEW DELHI: In the semi-arid lands of Maharashtra’s Beed district, women face a stark choice — endure hysterectomies or risk losing their...
Canegrowers rubbed shoulders with millers, industry bodies, researchers, university experts and innovators at a two-day seminar in Brisbane on March 5 and...
ROME, ITALY — Global wheat production in 2024 is forecast to increase by 1% over the previous year but will fall short...
Tulsipur, Uttar Pradesh: District Sugarcane Officer R.S. Kushwaha and Secretary Anand Prakash Dubey announced on Tuesday that sugarcane crushing at the sugar...
(Bloomberg) — China canceled another batch of U.S. wheat export shipments, adding to an already record number of cancellations that have weighed...
NEW DELHI: Wheat stock with Food Corporation of India (FCI) has dropped below 100 lakh tonne for the first time since 2018,...