Farmers in Bagpat's Budhsaini village held a panchayat demanding pending sugarcane payments and setting the cane price at ₹450 per quintal. Annu...
The Karnataka state government has waived ₹52.25 crore in outstanding electricity dues owed by the Mysuru Sugar Company Ltd. (Mysugar), located in...
The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) in the Philippines is considering a voluntary purchase program to stabilize declining raw sugar prices. Under the...
The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in Pakistan imposed heavy fines on 10 sugar mills for tax violations and plans similar action...
SBEC Sugar Ltd has received Consent to Establish (CTE) from the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board (UPPCB) to expand its sugar plant's...
India's sugarcane crushing season for 2024-25 has seen 472 mills operating, crushing 719.24 lakh tonnes of sugarcane and producing 60.85 lakh tonnes...
As of December 15, 2024, Maharashtra's sugar mills have crushed 206.99 lakh tonnes of sugarcane, producing 167.81 lakh quintals of sugar with...
Nigeria's sugar prices have surged 407% since 2017 due to insecurity, flooding, and currency devaluation. Despite rising demand from local millers and...
The Sindh Abadgar Ittehad (SAI) raised concerns over the delay in fixing the sugarcane procurement price despite crushing already being underway for...