Coming up with a unique way to safeguard their sugarcane crops from the monkeys, the farmers in UP’s Lakhimpur are using bear...
Sugarcane crushing operations for the year 2023-24 are all set to begin at the state-owned Mysore Sugar company or Mysugar factory in...
Sugar prices in the global market have been rising in recent months, reaching multi-year highs. However, the Indian domestic market does not...
India is in negotiations with Brazil to resolve a sugar dispute at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Ministry of Commerce...
MUMBAI: Union minister Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said new vehicles that run entirely on ethanol will be introduced. Speaking at an event...
Budhana, Uttar Pradesh: Officials of the Bhaisana sugar mill assured sugarcane farmers to clear some amount of pending cane dues to the...
बेलगावी : राज्य के चीनी मंत्री शिवानंद पाटिल ने कहा कि, चीनी मिलों द्वारा गन्ने की तौल में किसानों को धोखा देने...
LAHORE: The Chief Secretary of Punjab has taken note of the situation increasing price of sugar and directed the Commissioner to conduct...
PONDA: After closure of the sugarcane crushing season for past three years, the State run Sanjivani Sugar Factory at Dharbandora has now ...