Sugar News in English

Change of lease type

Lands Minister Filimoni Vosarogo stated that sugarcane farmers cannot be prevented from converting leased land to residential, commercial, or industrial use, reflecting societal changes and a preference for higher land value. He emphasized each application undergoes an approval process, considering factors like proximity to development and the sugar industry’s needs. The government aims to balance advancing township boundaries with sustaining sugarcane farming’s crucial role in livelihoods.

Sugarcane farmers cannot be stopped from converting their land leases to residential, commercial or industrial use, says Lands and Mineral Resources Minister Filimoni Vosarogo.

Mr Vosarogo said this was an “indication of an ever-changing society prompted by a lessee’s wish for the highest and best use” for the land.

He made the comments while responding to Sugar Industry Tribunal registrar Timothy Brown who told a sugar consultation last week that canefarmers were selling off large chunks of cane land for commercial use.

“This is a challenge for our time. Farmers are seeing alternative use for their farm leased lands,” Mr Vosarogo said.

“They see expanding developments, townships and integrated tourism opportunities as the highest and best alternative use than the arduous cane farm life.”

Mr Vosarogo said any parcel of land administered by his ministry would be subjected to an approval process if the lessee wished to apply for change of (land) use.

The minister said before processing an application, the ministry would require the lessee to obtain letters of opinion from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Sugar Tribunal on their thoughts about the request for change of land use.

“Each application is considered on its own merit. We would look at the proximity to onsetting developments, highest and best use, advancing boundaries of townships and cities, the critical need to sustain the sugar industry and the welfare of the lessees.”

Mr Vosarogo said the  Government understood the critical role of sugarcane farming and the livelihood it supported.

“We will work with the Sugar Ministry to see how best State lands could facilitate the industry’s desire to advance its vision and serve the farmers and the nation well in years to come.

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