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EIA: US biofuel capacity unchanged in December

U.S. biofuels capacity remained steady in December at 24.885 billion gallons per year, with ethanol at 18.31 billion, biodiesel at 1.995 billion, and renewable diesel at 4.58 billion. Feedstock consumption slightly increased to 30.497 billion pounds, with higher use of grain sorghum and canola oil, while soybean and corn oil consumption declined compared to the previous month.

U.S. operable biofuels capacity held steady in December, with no changes for ethanol, biodiesel or renewable diesel, according to data released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration on Feb. 28. Feedstock consumption was up slightly from the previous month.

Total biofuels capacity was at 24.885 billion gallons per year in December, unchanged from the previous month, but up 1.126 billion gallons per year when compared to the same month of 2023.

Fuel ethanol capacity was at 18.31 billion gallons per year in December, flat with the previous two months. When compared to December 2023, ethanol capacity was up 481 MMgy. 

Biodiesel capacity was at 1.995 billion gallons per year in December, a level maintained since August. Biodiesel capacity was down 78 MMgy when compared to December of the previous year. 

Capacity for renewable diesel and associated fuels, defined to include renewable heating oil, renewable jet fuel, renewable naphtha, renewable gasoline and other biofuels and biointermediates, was at 4.580 billion gallons per year, unchanged since September. When compared to December of the previous year, capacity for renewable diesel and associated fuels was up 723 MMgy. 

U.S. biofuel producers consumed 30.497 billion pounds of feedstock in December, up slightly when compared to the 30.026 billion pounds consumed the previous month, but down from the 30.513 billion pounds of feedstock consumption reported for December 2023. 

Biofuel producers consumed 26.861 billion pounds of corn in December, up from 26.408 billion pounds in November, but down from 27.117 billion pounds in December 2023. 

Grain sorghum consumption was at 372 million pounds in December, up from both 373 million pounds the previous month and 48 million pounds during December of the previous year. 

Soybean oil consumption was at 1.097 billion pounds in December, including 697 million pounds consumed by biodiesel producers and 400 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel facilities. Soybean oil consumption was at 1.192 billion pounds the previous month, with 724 million pounds consumed for biodiesel and 467 million pounds consumed for renewable diesel, and at 1.142 billion pounds in December 2023, with 603 million pounds consumed for biodiesel and 539 million pounds consumed for renewable diesel.

Canola oil consumption expanded to 524 million pounds in December, including 132 million pounds consumed by biodiesel producers and 392 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel facilities. Canola oil consumption was at 410 million pounds in November, with 120 million pounds going to biodiesel production and 290 million pounds going to renewable diesel production, and at 343 million pounds in December of the previous year, with 150 million pounds consumed for biodiesel and 193 million pounds consumed for renewable diesel. 

Corn oil consumption fell to 320 million pounds in December, with 67 million pounds going to biodiesel production and 253 million pounds consumed by renewable diesel producers. Corn oil consumption was at 404 million pounds the previous month, including 63 million pounds consumed for biodiesel and 341 million pounds consumed for renewable diesel, and at 349 million pounds in December 2023, with 63 million pounds going to biodiesel production and 286 million pounds going to renewable diesel production. 

Biofuel producers also consumed 707 million pounds of tallow, 540 million pounds of yellow grease, 46 million pounds of white grease, 16 million pounds of poultry fat, and 15 million pounds of other waste oils, fats and greases in December. Consumption was at 696 million pounds, 453 million pounds, and 23 million pounds, respectively, in November, and at 744 million pounds, 642 million pounds, 40 million pounds, 15 million pounds, and 17 million pounds, respectively, in December of the previous year. 

The EIA withheld data on the consumption of agricultural and forestry residues, other agriculture and forestry products, other vegetable oils, other types of recycled feeds and wastes, and other biofuel feedstocks not elsewhere specified or identified to avoid disclosure of induvial company data. 

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Source : Ethanol Producer Magazine

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