Explained: Why consumption of mustard oil isbanned in the US and Europe

Indian cuisine treasures mustard oil for its pungent aroma and sharp flavor. Despite its widespread use in India, mustard oil is banned in the US, Canada, and Europe. The US FDA cites high erucic acid levels as the reason, which is harmful to health, potentially causing memory impairment and fat accumulation. These concerns have led to the prohibition of mustard oil consumption in these regions.
Indian cuisine is full of aroma and flavours. From spices to oils, traditional Indian kitchen celebrates all things healthy that have medicinal properties too. One such item that is used in most Indian homes is mustard oil. A cooking oil, known for its pungent aroma and sharp flavour. It is an Indian staple used in raw and cooked form to enhance the the taste of many dishes.
Why is mustard oil banned in the US?
According to the US Food And Drug Administration, the amount of erucic acid in mustard oil is quite high. It is a type of fatty acid and is detrimental to health purposes. It is not metabolised properly and harms the brain cells as well. Erucic acid is also associated with many mental disorders like memory impairment. It also leads to the increased accumulation of fat in the body. Keeping in mind these purposes, the USA, Canada, and Europe have banned the consumption of mustard oil.
Source Link: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/food-news/explained-why-consumption-of-mustard-oil-is-banned-in-the-us-and-europe/articleshow/111333738.cms