FDCA to act against reuse of packaging tins

Gujarat FDCA issues directive to halt unlawful tin reuse in food packaging, focusing on edible oil. Officials ordered to identify offenders and take legal action, prioritizing consumer health safety. Commissioner H G Koshia emphasizes adherence to Food Safety and Standards Authority of India rules prohibiting tin reuse for packaging.
Ahmedabad: The Gujarat food and drug control administration (FDCA) recently issued a directive to all district officers to watch for manufacturers employing the unlawful practice of reusing tin for food packaging, particularly edible oil.
Reused tins are those that have already been used once and after consumption of the food item are discarded by the consumer and reused by some packers.
FDCA has ordered officials to identify such entities in their jurisdiction and take legal action. The FDCA’s directive is considered important because there is widespread reuse of tins for packaging food items, especially edible oil. H G Koshia, commissioner of the Gujarat state FDCA, said, “Our action is aimed at ensuring the safety of consumer health by curbing the illegal reuse of tins for packaged food items. According to rules of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, reuse of container tins for
packaging food is prohibited ”