
February 2024 U.S. wheat crop status update

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Here’s a look at wheat crops across the top growing states at the end of February 2024. Data is based on USDA’s Crop Progress – State Stories published Feb. 27, 2024. The department published updates from 27 states.


According to USDA, 54% of Arizona’s Durum wheat has emerged, and 26% has headed, up 27 and 25 percentage points respectively from this time in 2023. Durum wheat condition was also rated in mostly good to excellent condition, with only 2% of the crop rated fair.


For the week ending Feb. 25, winter wheat conditions in California were rated 5% fair, 20% good and 75% excellent.

Toward the end of February winter wheat growth was accelerated by continuous moisture. USDA reported herbicides and pesticides were applied to wheat fields during the month as well.


Colorado winter wheat condition was rated 3% very poor, 4% poor, 37% fair, 49% good, and 7% excellent for the month of February. This is down from 63% good to excellent in the Jan. 30, 2024 report.


Illinois winter wheat condition was rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 30% fair, 49% good, and 17% excellent for the month of February.


Indiana winter wheat condition was rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 26% fair, 59% good, and 11% excellent for the month of February.

USDA noted that compared to previous years, February was unseasonably warm in Indiana. Winter wheat condition remained stable despite temperature fluctuations and depleting soil moisture levels for many producers.


For the week ending Feb. 25, Kansas winter wheat condition rated 5% very poor, 8% poor, 30% fair, 50% good, and 7% excellent.


The condition of winter wheat in Kentucky was rated 1% poor, 10% fair, 75% good, and 14% excellent for the month of February.


After a wet and mild February, small grains, early planted wheat and cover crops across Maryland were reported in good condition. However, nitrogen applications have been delayed due to unfavorable weather conditions.


For the month of February winter wheat condition was rated 1% very poor, 8% poor, 34% fair, 39% good, and 18% excellent in Michigan.

February brought unseasonably warm temperatures and very little snow cover. USDA noted producers were concerned about wheat viability after an odd winter.


For the week ending Feb. 25, Missouri winter wheat condition was rated 0% very poor, 1% poor, 30% fair, 62% good, and 7% excellent.


February winter wheat condition in Montana was rated 2% poor, 53% fair, 41% good, and 4% excellent. Winter wheat wind damage 24% moderate, 38% light, 38% none over the course of the month. USDA also noted winter wheat freeze damage was 10% severe, 23% moderate, 24% light, and 43% none.

The lack of moisture and high winds were a concern to many farmers and ranchers.


For the week ending Feb. 25, Nebraska winter wheat condition was rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 33% fair, 48% good, and 12% excellent. 

New Mexico

February winter wheat condition in New Mexico was 2% very poor, 34% poor, 32% fair, 29% good, and 3% excellent.

North Carolina

For the month of February winter wheat condition in North Carolina was rated 2% poor, 9% fair, 85% good, and 4% excellent. Throughout February, there was consistent moisture from rainfall.

North Dakota

For the week ending Feb. 25, North Dakota winter wheat condition was rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 45% fair, 47% good, 1% excellent.


Winter wheat condition for the month was rated 0% very poor, 3% poor, 29% fair, 56% good, and 12% excellent in Ohio.

Jane Marshall and her family raise wheat on their Preble County dairy farm. “The wheat is greening up nicely as it’s coming out of dormancy. We have had good moisture this winter, verging on wet at times,” she says. “Over the winter we have had really warm temperatures, days at a time, with very little snow and not much real cold. With this crazy weather, the wheat is doing well.”


In Morrow County, Oregon, the wheat crop emerged in February and was in good condition, with no signs of stripe rust. Producers and farmers were on the lookout for this disease. Umatilla County reported that most winter wheat fields were doing well despite some cold injury from the previous month. Stripe rust was forecasted to be a potential detriment this season.


USDA noted small grains and forage like wheat, barley, and rye were starting to green up at the end of February.

South Carolina

USDA reported wheat was “tillering with good vigor” in South Carolina.

South Dakota

For the week ending Feb. 25, winter wheat condition was rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 35% fair, 55% good, and 3% excellent in South Dakota.


For the week ending Feb. 25, winter wheat condition was rated 11% poor, 37% fair, 40% good, and 12% excellent in Tennessee.

The state received moderate rainfall and slightly above average temperatures over the month. Most producers report that seeded winter wheat remains in good shape thus far.


Winter wheat and oats in Texas showed improvement and progressed over the month due to moisture and warm temperatures.


Winter wheat condition in Utah for the month of February was rated 8% poor, 14% fair, 69% good, and 9% excellent.

Cache County reported winter wheat susceptible to snow mold.


Virginia winter wheat condition was recently rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 47% fair, 41% good, and 5% excellent.


After typical February weather in central Washington, fields of hay, winter wheat, and grasses were greening up.

In east-central Washington, producers experienced moderate weather during February. It was too early to tell if the cold snap in January damaged any of the winter wheat crowns.

Northeastern Washington had a mild February. There were few reports about winter kill on winter wheat and canola.

West Virginia

For the week ending Feb. 25, West Virginia winter wheat condition was rated 3% fair, 96% good, and 1% excellent.


Winter wheat condition in Wyoming for the month of February was rated 4% very poor, 11% poor, 59% fair, 25% good, and 1% excellent.

Source Link:https://www.agriculture.com/status-update-on-the-u-s-wheat-crop-to-end-february-8603111

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