Maize News in English

First maize crops of the year could be planted by end of March

A Kilkenny-based agricultural contractor, Edward Delahunty, predicts that the first forage maize crops could be planted by the end of March, thanks to dry ground and a mild winter. Delahunty, who grows maize for dairy and livestock farmers, believes the crop offers a cost-effective solution for farmers by utilizing slurry and helping retain current cow numbers. However, the total acreage for 2025 remains uncertain.

A prominent agricultural contractor is predicting that the first forage maize crops of the year could be planted before the end of March.

Kilkenny-based Edward Delahunty further explained: “The ground is dry enough, all we need is a bit of heat. And this may well be the reality in places like Cork over the coming days.

“In our own case, we will be hoping to plant under plastic at the beginning of April. But all of this is dependent on the weather warming up over the coming days.”

Delahunty grows maize for his own use but also on a contract basis for dairy and livestock farmers.

Experience has confirmed that covered crops will be harvested earlier with higher dry matters.

“Last year, we harvested covered crops in October while it was waiting until November to get the other maize crops out of the fields,” Delahunty commented.

The jury is still out as to how much forage maize will be grown in Ireland during 2025.

This may not be the case in 2025. One of the mildest and driest winters in living memory has been followed by an extremely dry start to the spring season.

As a result many dairy and livestock farmers have been able to get stock out to grass earlier than would normally be the case. This time last year much of Ireland’s farm land was under water.

Delahunty believes the crop represents a win-win scenario for dairy and other livestock farmers.

“Maize crops are tremendous outlets for cattle slurry, pig slurry, and farmyard manure. And it’s a straightforward arrangement with clients. Using their slurry brings down the overall production cost of the crop,” he said.

“Maize grown on this basis is also allowing milk producers to retain current cow numbers.”

The Kilkenny contractor will be ringing around his farmer customers over the coming days to gauge their commitment to maize in 2025.

“Where spring cropping is concerned, I have two options, maize and malting barley. However, maize would be my crop of choice,” he concluded.     

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Source : Agriland

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