Four sugar mills in the district ready to crush 598.58 lakh quintals of sugarcane

The sugarcane crushing season has started in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, with 598.58 lakh quintals allocated to local mills. Sabitgarh Sugar Mill received the highest allocation, while other mills like Wave and Anamika will begin operations by November 8. The Cane Department reassigned nine centers from mills with delayed payments and emphasized timely farmer payments and smooth operations.
Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh: Sugarcane crushing season in the district’s sugar mills has begun now. The Cane Department has allocated sugarcane to the mills for their purchase centres and processing, reported Live Hindustan.
Nine purchase centres have been reassigned to other mills, due to delayed payments by the Simbhaoli and Brijnathpur sugar mills in the Hapur district, and cuts have been made in their cane allocations. The district’s four sugar mills have been allocated over 598.58 lakh quintals of sugarcane for crushing, with the Sabitgarh Sugar Mill receiving the highest allocation at 278.53 lakh quintals. The Wave Sugar Mill in Bulandshahr has been assigned five additional centres previously linked to Brijnathpur. Mills in Hapur, Amroha, and Sambhal have also been allocated cane for processing.
The new crushing season has begun at the Triveni Sugar Mill in Sabitgarh. The Wave Sugar Mill in Bulandshahr and the Anamika Sugar Mill in Agauta are set to start operations on November 7, while the Anoopshahr Cooperative Sugar Mill will begin on November 8. District Cane Officer Anil Kumar stated that the Cane Department has assigned 251 centres to eight sugar mills, which will receive sugarcane from the farmers. The crushing operations are being conducted according to the government’s guidelines, with inspections ensuring proper arrangements.
Allocation Details: According to the Cane Department, Wave Sugar Mill has received 43 centres and 100.24 lakh quintals of cane. Anamika Sugar Mill has been allocated 34 centres and 135.96 lakh quintals. The Anoopshahr Cooperative Sugar Mill will get 19 centres and 83.85 lakh quintals, while Sabitgarh Sugar Mill will operate with 87 centres and 278.53 lakh quintals. Simbhaoli Sugar Mill has been given 29.61 lakh quintals, and Brijnathpur has received 23.63 lakh quintals. Additionally, the Rajpura Sugar Mill in Sambhal and Chandanpur Sugar Mill in Amroha have been allocated 33 and nine centres, respectively, with over 35 lakh quintals distributed between them.
“Sugarcane from the district has been allocated to four local mills as well as mills in Hapur, Sambhal, and Amroha, totalling over 646.83 lakh quintals. Crushing will start this week in three mills. The allocation of sugarcane and centres. Has been handled at the government level, and timely payment to farmers will be ensured. Instructions have been issued to the sugar mills,” said Anil Kumar, District Cane Officer.
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