Government estimate of 1220 lakh tonnes of maize production in Brazil

Brazil’s Central Agency CONAB has revised its maize production estimate for the 2024-25 season, increasing it by 5.5% to 1220.10 lakh tonnes. The first season’s maize yield is expected to rise despite a decrease in planting area, while the Safrinha season, which makes up 78.7% of total production, will see both increased sowing area and a projected 6.4% rise in production. Favorable weather could significantly boost the sector.
iGrain India – In Brazil, the government’s Central Agency CONAB has revised its maize production estimate for the 2024-25 season, increasing it from 1195.50 lakh tonnes to 1220.10 lakh tonnes. This represents a rise of 24 lakh tonnes, or about 5.5%, compared to the previous year’s production.
Maize is cultivated in three seasons in Brazil, and the government expects increases in both the first or full season and the Safrinha season.
For the first season, despite a 6.6% decrease in the area planted with maize (down to 37 lakh hectares),
An increase in the average yield is expected—rising by 4.5 bushels per acre to 1007 bushels per acre. This increase in yield is anticipated to result in 235.80 lakh tonnes of production.
The Safrinha season, which makes up a large part of Brazil’s maize production, will see an increase in its sowing area by 2.4%, reaching 168.30 lakh hectares.
The expected average yield is 5706 kg per hectare, and Safrinha production is projected to rise by 6.4%, reaching 960.40 lakh tonnes.
The Safrinha crop is expected to contribute 78.7% of Brazil’s total maize production for the 2024-25 season.
The harvest of Safrinha maize is scheduled for June-July, and with favorable weather conditions, this increase in maize production is expected to be a key boost for Brazil’s agricultural sector.
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