Govt eyes 500,000 hectares for new rice fields to feed Nusantara

The Indonesian government plans to develop 500,000 hectares of new paddy fields in Central Kalimantan to support rice production for Nusantara Capital City. Agriculture Minister Andi Arman Sulaiman visited the Dadahup Regency, a site previously developed under former President Soeharto’s New Order for peatland transformation. This initiative aims to build a food granary for the future capital city.
The government is looking to produce rice from some 500,000 hectares of new paddies in Central Kalimantan, hoping that the output can help feed the inhabitants of the Nusantara Capital City (IKN) at low cost.
Agriculture Minister Andi Arman Sulaiman visited Dadahup Regency in Central Kalimantan, which will house the new paddy field.
The site was part of a government-led development project during former president Soeharto’s New Order meant to transform peatland into areas capable to support food production needs.
“We are confident that we will be able to build a food granary which will also supply rice to the [future] capital city,” he said in a statement on Tuesday.
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