Grains and oilseeds: drought claims headlines

The quality of wheat harvested in France this year is exceptionally poor, with only 26% of grain weight exceeding 76 kg/hl and just 74% having a protein content above 11%. This has contributed to rising wheat prices after an initial decline. In Germany, wheat production is estimated to be 15% lower, at 18 million mt. Additionally, Bulgaria’s corn exports have nearly halted due to drought, and sowing of soybeans in Brazil and winter rapeseed in Ukraine has been delayed for the same reason.
BRUSSELS. This year the quality of the wheat harvested in France is exceptionally bad. Bulgaria’s corn exports have come to a near standstill due to drought. This is also an issue for sowing soybeans in Brazil and the reason why winter rapeseed sowing has been delayed in Ukraine.
After an initial decline at the start of the week wheat quotations have now risen again. The bad quality of the wheat in France is, however, weighing on the market. According to FranceAgriMer as little as 26% of grain weight exceeds 76 kg/hl, whereas the average is 76%. In addition, only 74% of the crop has a protein content above 11% as compared with the five-year moving average of 85%.
In Germany, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has issued a preliminary crop estimate of 18 million mt for wheat. This would be 15% down.
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