Haryana Traders question govt on GST imposed on sugar,clothes, milk & curd

A meeting of traders’ representatives, chaired by Bajrang Dass Garg in Rohtak, addressed concerns over rising GST rates. Garg criticized the Central Government for imposing a 28% GST on essential goods and introducing taxes on previously exempt items like sugar,clothes, milk, and curd. He also highlighted the multiple GST slabs, contradicting the promise of a uniform tax system.
A meeting of the traders’ representatives was held under the chairmanship of Bajrang Dass Garg, state president of the Haryana Pradesh Vyapar Mandal and former chairman of Haryana Confed, at Rohtak on Thursday.
The traders expressed their resentment over constant increase in GST rates by the Central Government at the meeting.
Addressing the meeting, Garg said the Central Government has put a massive burden on the common man by imposing 28 per cent GST on essential goods.
“Ever since our country attained Independence, there was no tax on cloth, sugar, milk and curd, but the current government has increased inflation by imposing 5 per cent GST on these items,” said Garg.
He pointed out that while implementing the GST regime, the Central Government had stated that there would be a uniform tax in the country, but it has imposed four tax-slabs of 5, 12, 18 and 28 per cent.
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Source : The Tribune