KATZEN announces completion of corn ethanol expansion project in Brazil

KATZEN International Inc. has announced the completion of the INPASA Agroindustrial S/A bioethanol plant expansion in Sinop, Brazil, boosting its capacity to 2.1 billion liters per year. This makes it the world’s largest grain-based dry mill bioethanol facility. The expansion allows processing of 4.6 million tons of corn to produce ethanol, DDGS, corn oil, and bioelectricity. KATZEN, which designs 60% of Brazil’s grain-based ethanol plants, aims to meet the rising demand for renewable fuels with this advancement.
October 26, 2024
BY KATZEN International Inc.
KATZEN International Inc., a leading bioethanol process technology, design, and engineering company, on Oct. 23 announced the completion and startup of the INPASA Agroindustrial S/A bioethanol plant expansion project in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The expansion boosted the plant’s production capacity to 2.1 billion liters (554.76 million gallons) per year, making it the world’s largest grain-based dry mill bioethanol plant.
The KATZEN-designed Sinop plant was constructed by INPASA in 2019 to produce 490 million liters of motor fuel-grade ethanol annually. INPASA commissioned KATZEN to expand the plant in four stages commencing in 2021. The new plant configuration will process 4.6 million tons of locally grown corn to produce 2.1 billion liters per year of ethanol, 1 million tons of DDGS (high value-added protein), 105 thousand tons of corn oil, and 804.1 GWh of bioelectricity.
The INPASA Sinop Plant further demonstrates KATZEN’s leadership in bioethanol production technology. KATZEN-designed plants presently account for 60% of Brazil’s grain-based ethanol production, with an additional 1.7 billion liters capacity under design and construction.
KATZEN President & CEO David Lococo said that KATZEN is proud to support INPASA in this monumental achievement. The Sinop expansion symbolizes KATZEN’s mission to develop and implement state-of-the-art bioprocessing technologies to support the world’s increasing demand for renewable fuels.
Source Link : https://ethanolproducer.com/articles/katzen-announces-completion-of-corn-ethanol-expansion-project-in-brazil