New Zealand's maize grain industry is facing a crisis of trust between growers and companies. Low prices and poor communication have led...
The sugar industry urges the government to permit exports, with a possible positive announcement expected by September/October. Sugar expert Yatin Wadhwana suggests...
Punjab's summer maize crop has sparked concern among farm experts due to its growing popularity. Despite not being recommended, maize cultivation has...
Nigeria's wheat production is expected to reach 200,000 tons this year, according to a satellite mapping study. The study, conducted by the...
The European Union's farming association, Copa-Cogeca, forecasts a 6% decline in soft wheat production to 117.5 million metric tons, the smallest crop...
Egypt has lowered its wheat self-sufficiency target for the current fiscal year to 51%, despite plans to increase farmed area. The target...
Pakistan's National Assembly passed the SOE Governance Bill, allowing the government to remove state-owned enterprise board members based on recommendations from the...
The Indian government has announced the Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS) policy, fixing the reserve price of wheat at ₹2,300 per quintal...
The government has decided to resume selling wheat in the open market from August to control prices, and may lift the ban...
To address the fuel price crisis, the government is promoting flex fuel engines, which can run on both petrol and ethanol-mixed petrol....