Maize Cultivation: Efforts to create a new belt of maize cultivation in Bihar intensified, ethanol increased the demand

The Indian government is promoting maize cultivation to boost bio-ethanol production and reduce petroleum dependence. A workshop organized by IIMR in Bihar focused on increasing maize production in areas suitable for it. With rising demand due to ethanol, farmers are getting better prices. The government aims to expand maize cultivation with hybrid varieties and improved machinery, targeting 44 million tonnes of maize production in 2024-25.
Maize Cultivation: The central government has intensified its efforts to reduce foreign dependence on petroleum products. For this, bio-ethanol is being promoted, which is being mixed with petrol to run vehicles. For the production of bio-ethanol, the government is focusing on maize crop instead of rice and sugarcane, because it consumes less water. To increase the production of ethanol from maize, the Indian Institute of Maize Research (IIMR) has started a project called ‘Increasing Maize Production in the Catchment Area of Ethanol Industries’. Under this, efforts are being made to increase maize production in those areas which have soil and weather suitable for its crop, but some other crop is being cultivated there.
In this connection, a workshop was organized on the strategy of ethanol program by the Regional Maize Research and Seed Production Center located in Begusarai, Bihar. In which Dr. Chikkapa GK, Dr. SL Jat and Dr. Alok Sahu were present from IIMR. Maize scientist Dr. SB Singh gave information about the improved variety of seeds.
Dr. Rakesh Kumar from ICR Patna said that where there is good land, there is a lot of scope for Kharif maize. Director of Bemiti Patna Government of Bihar also emphasized on growing Kharif maize and asked to go to the level of Uttar Pradesh. Maize is a big gift for Bihar. Industry (ethanol, feed, starch crop input suppliers) representatives were also present on this occasion.
Jat said that maize cultivation will be expanded in eastern Bihar during the winter season. A good response has been recorded from farmers regarding its cultivation in eastern UP. Now a new maize belt will be established in Bihar as well. Due to ethanol, the demand for maize is increasing and farmers are getting good prices.
If we want to increase the production of maize, then not only will we have to increase the area of maize cultivation but there will also be a great need for good quality seeds. For this, emphasis is being laid on hybrid varieties. We can increase maize production by using hybrid technology more.
Jat said that a large scale campaign and potential yield platform testing should be established for continuous learning and expansion. For this, planting machinery like pneumatic planter, ridge furrow planter, maize dryer and market linkage will be important. The use of cooperatives, FPOs, SHGs will help in achieving this goal.
It also came to light that this year the government policies and the maize catchment area development project around distilleries have led to a huge increase in maize yield and area and maize production is expected to exceed 44 million tonnes in 2024-25. The learnings from this workshop will help us design strategies and roadmaps for bio-ethanol in maize in the context of Bihar as well as eastern India.
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Source : Zeebiz