Only 15% paddy, 9.6% wheat farmers benefit from MSP system, says paper

A state-run institute’s report highlights that while MSPs boost incomes and yields, only 15% of paddy farmers and 9.6% of wheat farmers benefit from the procurement system. Additionally, just 24% of paddy and 21% of wheat marketable surplus is sold at MSP. Meanwhile, farmer-government negotiations on legally guaranteed MSP continue.
As the Union government and a section of farmers sit for another round of negotiations over the next few days to discuss demands that include legally-guaranteed minimum support price (MSP), a recent paper by a state-run institute says that though MSPs lead to higher incomes and yields, only 15 percent of paddy farmers and just 9.6 percent of wheat farmers have benefited from the MSP-based procurement system.
Additionally, paddy farmers are able to sell around 24 per cent of their marketable surplus at the benchmark rate; for wheat farmers, that number is 21 per cent
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Source : Business Standard