Rice News in English

PAU holds training course on direct seeding of rice

PAU’s Skill Development Centre conducts a one-day training on “cultivation using direct-seeded rice” for agriculture officers and scientists. Under the guidance of MS Bhullar, six ADOs and one scientist per KVK attend. Associate director Rupinder Kaur emphasizes updating extension scientists with latest agri-tech. Amit Kaul discusses DSR prospects, while Anoop Dixit and Aseem Verma demonstrate nursery seeder and paddy transplanter usage from farm machinery department.

The Skill Development Centre of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) organised a one-day training
course on ‘cultivation using direct-seeded rice” for inservice candidates under the guidance of director of
extension education, MS Bhullar. A total of six agriculture development officers and one scientist each from Krishi Vigyan Kendras attended the training course.

Associate director (Skill Development) Rupinder Kaur said: “In the modern era, extension scientists must be updated with the latest agriculture technologies so that they can guide the maximum number of farmers for their benefit and impart knowledge to them to adopt technologies beneficial for the environment.”

Amit Kaul from the department of agronomy discussed the prospects and techniques for cultivation of direct seeded rice in Punjab. Anoop Dixit and Aseem Verma from the department of farm machinery and power engineering demonstrated the functioning of tractor-operated nursery seeder and
explained the use of paddy transplanter. tnn

Source Link: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/ludhiana/pau-holds-training-course-on-direct-seeding-of-rice/articleshow/109707853.cms

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