Punjab bans rice variety to cut farm fires by 50%

NEW DELHI: Counting on a variety of paddy that takes a shorter time to mature, officials in Punjab are confident that they will bring down the incidents of stubble burning by 50% this season. The preparation of the fields after the rice harvest involves burning the stubble, smoke from which blows towards Delhi and causes immense pollution in the winter months.

At the moment though, harvest remnant fires number almost double that of the last two years. Between September 15 and October 3, there have been 561 recorded in Punjab, including 105 of them on Tuesday, 119 on Monday and 123 on Sunday. According to the remote sensing data from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, in 2022 and 2021, there were, respectively, 350 and 237 fires in the same period.
For More Details Visit: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/punjab-bans-rice-variety-to-cut-farm-fires-by-50/articleshow/104143460.cms?from=mdr