Shahjahanpur : Instead of Satha paddy, plant this crop in March after mustard bumper production will be possible in less water

In Shahjahanpur, farmers can grow maize after harvesting mustard in March, as it requires less water and matures in 90-95 days. Maize is a great alternative to Satha paddy, which consumes more water. It can be used as chicken feed, green fodder, or sold as raw corn. Farmers should plough fields, maintain moisture, and sow seeds 60 cm apart, with varieties like Kanchan, Surya, or Jaunpuri for good production. Maize offers a profitable, water-efficient option for farmers.
Shahjahanpur: After harvesting mustard in the month of March, farmers can grow maize in empty fields. Maize crop gets ready in less days. The special thing is that maize is a better alternative to Satha paddy. Satha paddy requires more irrigation while maize crop can be grown in less water. Before transplanting paddy, the fields remain empty for a long time. In such a situation, farmers can increase their income by making better use of that time. Apart from maize, farmers can also cultivate urad and moong in their fields.
Dr. N.C. Tripathi, in-charge of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Niyamatpur, said that growing maize crop can be very useful for farmers these days. Because maize crop which is ready in 90 to 95 days has very low cost. Due to which farmers can get a good profit. Maize can be used for chicken feed, corn cobs and farmers can also use it for green fodder. Maize crop is a better option in place of Satha paddy. Because it can be grown with less consumption of water and good production can be taken. Maize can be sold cooked, raw or as green fodder.
Keep these things in mind during sowing
For sowing maize, first prepare the field by ploughing it well with disc harrow while maintaining adequate moisture. After that, sow the maize seeds keeping the distance between lines about 60 cm and the distance between plants 20 to 25 cm. It is important to purify the seeds before sowing. Use 2.5 grams of carbendazim for purifying 1 kg of seeds. Purifying the seeds will prevent the crop from getting diseases.
Major varieties of corn
While sowing corn, it is very important to choose better quality and good variety of seeds. If you want to sow Desi corn, then you can plant Kanchan, Surya or Jaunpuri variety of seeds which will give very good production to the farmers. Apart from this, many varieties of hybrid and baby corn are also available. You can sow seeds of any good company in your field.
You will get good production in 95 days
. Corn gets ready in 90 to 95 days. You can use it as feed for chickens or as green fodder. Not only this, before this you can also break its raw corn and sell it in the market. This will give good income to the farmers.
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Source : News18