Sowing of wheat nearly complete, acreage in Indore div expected to surpass 12L hectare

Sowing of wheat in Madhya Pradesh is nearing completion, with 80% of the work finished, and the Indore division is expected to reach an acreage of over 12 lakh hectares, higher than last season. Favorable weather and sufficient soil moisture are supporting the sowing of wheat and other winter crops like chana and peas. Wheat yield prospects are positive, with farmers expecting increased per-hectare yields, especially due to timely sowing and quality seeds. The total area under rabi crops in the Indore division is expected to rise to 17.25 lakh hectares this season.
Indore: Sowing of wheat, a major winter crop of Madhya Pradesh, has reached its final phase, with approximately 80 per cent completion. The agricultural department is anticipating the acreage to increase to over 12 lakh hectare in the Indore division.Sowing of wheat and other winter crops commences in November and concludes by the first week of December. Wheat, chana and peas are the predominant winter-sown crops of Indore division.”Wheat sowing in the Indore division is advancing satisfactorily, and the projected acreage in the division is higher than the previous season, reaching 12.24 lakh hectare. Favourable weather conditions and sufficient soil moisture are supporting the sowing of winter crops in the region,” said an official from the agricultural department.Madhya Pradesh is the second-largest wheat-producing state in the country, and the average acreage of wheat in the state is approximately 75 lakh hectare, as per Union ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare.
Optimal weather conditions and a decline in temperatures have heightened prospects of enhanced yields in wheat this season, said officials and farmers.”The per hectare yield of wheat is anticipated to increase in the forthcoming season due to favourable weather conditions and timely sowing of quality seeds,” said KC Sharma, principal scientist and head of ICAR-IARI’s regional station in Indore.The average per hectare yield of wheat in Madhya Pradesh is 3.5 tonne, according to ICAR-IARI’s regional station in Indore. “Weather appears promising for wheat, and we are anticipating superior yields. I have sown the durum wheat variety and expect to cultivate at least 5 tonnes from a hectare,” said a farmer, Balram Patel, from Sanwer.According to the agricultural department, the acreage under chana is estimated at 3.74 lakh hectare this season. Another rabi crop, maize, is projected to cover 93,000 hectare this season in the Indore division.The total area under rabi crops this season in the Indore division is expected to increase to 17.25 lakh hectare compared to 16.87 lakh hectare, according to the official data.
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