Switzerland Weather hits wheat crop

Switzerland has experienced its lowest wheat harvest in 25 years, attributed to heavy rain and insufficient sunlight. The adverse weather has also compromised crop quality, with much of the wheat destined for animal feed instead of human consumption. As a result, Switzerland will not be self-sufficient in grain, particularly for bread production. Swiss Granum, the country’s umbrella grain organization, has requested a 60,000-tonne increase in wheat imports from the government.
Switzerland has had the lowest wheat harvest for the last 25 years.
Heavy rain and lack of sunlight is being blamed.
The weather has also reduced the quality of the crops -so much f it will have to be sold as animal feed.
This means that this country will not be self-sufficient in grain, especially for bread making.
The umbrella organisation Swiss Granum, has applied to the government to increase the amount it can import by 60,000 tonnes.
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Source Link : World Radio