The Food and Consumer Affairs Ministry has announced stringent penalties for sugar mills violating monthly stockholding limits, aiming to prevent hoarding and...
India's ethanol production capacity has surged to 1,648 crore liters, surpassing the 1,600 crore liters target set by the new government within...
A government study concludes that ethanol from sugarcane uses less water than maize or rice, benefiting the sugar industry through the ethanol...
India has become the world's third-largest ethanol producer and consumer, driven by government policy changes, said Pralhad Joshi, Union Minister for Consumer...
In an announcement on September 26, the Food Ministry allocated a monthly sugar quota of 25.5 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) for October...
The Indian government aims to enhance ethanol production, with industry leaders like Dr. Rahul Kadam of Udagiri Sugar advocating for higher procurement...
The Central Government has permitted the Food Corporation of India (FCI) to sell rice to distilleries for ethanol production, capping the quantity...
The Department of Food and Public Distribution (DFPD) has allowed sugar mills and distilleries to produce Rectified Spirit (RS) and Extra Neutral...
The government has introduced strict measures against violations of sugar stockholding limits. According to new guidelines, sugar mills exceeding or failing to...