Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Jayant Chaudhary urged Union Minister Pralhad Joshi to address sugar industry challenges, including delayed cane payments due to...
The government is likely to ease restrictions on sugar exports, with approval expected for 10 lakh tonnes. Sugar mills and ISMA have...
The Indian sugar industry, a cornerstone of the rural economy, is currently grappling with severe financial stringency specifically due to delayed decisions...
India's sugar production for 2024/25 may drop to 27 million metric tons, below the 29 million-ton consumption demand, due to drought, excessive...
The Indian government is set to review sugar exports in a meeting next month, with discussions likely on allowing 8-10 lakh metric...
India’s government is considering reducing the reserve sale price of surplus rice from ₹32 to ₹24-25 per kg to attract ethanol producers,...
Global sugar prices experienced mixed trends due to varied production forecasts. NY sugar hit a 2-3/4 month low, pressured by Brazil's larger-than-expected...
Federal Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain warned sugar mills that delays in starting the sugarcane crushing season would result in export licence cancellations....
The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) is considering two strategies to address the falling sugar prices. Industry groups, including UNIFED and SGABI, have...