Nirani Sugars, India’s largest privately-held sugar company, has signed an MoU with the Karnataka government to set up a ₹2,000 crore Polylactic...
India will remain in the sugar export market, with a bumper sugarcane crop expected next year, according to a government official. The...
Indonesia plans to import 200,000 metric tons of raw sugar to stabilize prices ahead of Ramadan, despite no production shortage. Domestic white...
The state sugarcane administration introduced two new disease-resistant sugarcane varieties, CoSe 17451 and CoSh 19231, to combat red rot and boost yields....
India has exported up to 500,000 metric tons of sugar this season, but exports are slowing, with concerns that the one-million-ton quota...
Maharashtra's sugar season 2024-25 has passed the midway mark, with 20 mills ending operations by February 11, up from 8 last year....
The Pakistan government is struggling to convince sugar millers to lower prices ahead of Ramazan, with millers insisting on maintaining current rates...
Al Khaleej Sugar is operating at 70% capacity due to regional overcapacity, with some refineries running at just 30-40%, said MD Jamal...
The Sonipat Cooperative Sugar Mill leads Haryana in sugar recovery at 9.75%, followed by Palwal at 9.65%. The online token system has...