Maharashtra’s sugarcane industry faces labor shortages and rising costs as worker strength declines due to improved education, industrial jobs, and migration. Despite...
Meerut: District Cane Officer Dr. Dushyant Kumar conducted a surprise inspection of the ongoing sugarcane survey in Bhalsona village on Monday. He...
Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh: Wave Sugar Mill in Bijnor, led by GM Cane Rahul Chaudhary, has launched a campaign to raise awareness among...
Agriculture News: The central government is monitoring crops like sugarcane and pulses amid rising temperatures. Concerns include sugarcane diseases like red rot...
Sugarcane farmers are facing financial distress due to delayed payments by sugar mills, with outstanding bills totaling Rs 1,500 crore since December....
Bacolod City faces potential sugar shortages due to El Niño, prompting leading sugar federations to advocate for a strategic and transparent importation...
Karnataka State Sugarcane Growers’ Association president, Kurubur Shanthkumar, led a delegation of distressed farmers to meet Deputy Commissioner K.V. Rajendra. They sought...
Discontent among farmers in Kendrapara district may sway election outcomes as they express disillusionment with BJD's unfulfilled promises of establishing sugar and...
During a press conference in Bagaha, Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Jha asserted farmers' freedom to choose sugar mills for supplying sugarcane, dismissing...