The Sugar Council, representing major federations, calls for a transparent, consultative sugar importation plan to address potential El Niño-induced shortages. This follows...
BACOLOD City – Amid potential sugar shortages due to El Niño, leading sugar federations urge a strategic and transparent importation plan. Following...
Alarmed by the ongoing standoff over sugarcane prices, Agriculture Principal Secretary Paul Rono convened a meeting with farmers and millers. Disagreements on...
Kolhapur: Swabhimani Shetkari Sanghatana founder Raju Shetti urged sugar commissioner Kunal Khemnar to mandate sugar factory owners to approve an extra amount...
In Beed district, the Thorat family's youngest daughter, Manisha, married at 18, unlike her five older sisters who wed at 15 and...
The union government, in collaboration with the Indian Sugar and Bio-Energy Manufacturers Association (ISMA) and the National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories...
US-based BioChem USA LLC will invest ₹3,000 crore in Gujarat for two projects, including a ₹2,000 crore bio-refinery at Dahej PCPIR processing...
Visakhapatnam: Andhra Pradesh's sugarcane farmers face hardships as sugar factories shut down, leaving them with no buyers. Chittoor and Anakapalle districts, once...
At the New York Sugar and Ethanol Conference, India's Food Secretary emphasized sustainable sugarcane production. Deepak Ballani of ISMA highlighted efforts to...