The illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia has led to unforeseen consequences, deeply impacting Africa’s food security. This conflict, a result of...
BUENOS AIRES, Nov 16 (Reuters) – Argentina’s Buenos Aires grains exchange on Thursday cut forecasts across its 2023/24 wheat and corn crops but increased...
LAHORE: Punjab has achieved 59pc of its wheat sowing target of 16 million acres by Wednesday and the provincial authorities hope to...
Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries bought a total of 104,677 metric tons of food-quality wheat from the United States, Canada...
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations has forecast that Pakistan’s wheat import requirements would decline significantly in the...
“For the first time in three years there’s a little bit of optimism,” said Kansas Wheat chief executive officer Justin Gilpin. Crop...
The union government on Wednesday sold 284,000 tonnes of wheat and 5,830 tonnes of rice to 2,334 bidders in the 21st e-auction...
PARIS, Nov 15 (Reuters) – FranceAgriMer on Wednesday raised its forecast for French soft wheat exports outside the EU in 2023/24, but also lifted...
Soft wheat exports from the European Union since the start of the 2023/24 season in July had reached 10.81 million metric tons...