Starting November, Tamil Nadu's poor and lower-middle-class families holding Priority Household (PHH) ration cards will receive more free wheat from ration shops....
In August this year Georgia imported 46.226 thousand tonnes of Russian wheat (for $10.227 mln), which is more than twice as much...
India's recent curbs on wheat stocks for traders and millers have not effectively controlled rising wheat prices ahead of the festival season.
Wheat futures closed higher on Wednesday, with Chicago SRW gaining 5 1/4 to 11 1/4 cents, KC HRW up 4 3/4 to...
European traders reported that the importer group TFMA, based in Thailand, purchased between 60,000 and 65,000 metric tonnes of animal feed wheat...
China has set a 37 million metric ton per year maximumpurchase volume for wheat purchases at the minimum price in 2025 and 2026,...
USDA's Crop Progress report shows 4% of U.S. winter wheat has emerged, trailing the five-year average. Washington leads with 22%, followed by...
Wheat futures ended lower across all markets on Tuesday, reversing earlier gains. Chicago SRW futures fell by 2 3/4 to 4 1/2...
Professor Matthew Reynolds, Head of Wheat Physiology at CIMMYT, will deliver a pivotal plenary at the International Wheat Congress in Perth, Australia,...