Take our inputs, says punjab rice millers

The Punjab Rice Millers’ Association has urged the inclusion of its input in the state’s draft agriculture policy, which proposes a phase-out of paddy cultivation in 15 groundwater-overexploited blocks. Vice-president Ranjit Singh Jossan criticized the exclusion of rice industry representatives from consultations, emphasizing the importance of their role in the paddy sector. The association demands a high-level meeting before finalizing the policy.
The Punjab Rice Millers’ Association has called for the inclusion of its input in the state’s draft agriculture policy, particularly regarding the proposed phase-out of paddy cultivation in 15 blocks where groundwater has been overexploited. Ranjit Singh Jossan, vice-president of the association, said: “The govt’s draft agricultural policy released recently discusses a phased ban on long-duration paddy cultivation in blocks designated as ‘dark zone’ areas.
While the goal of conserving Punjab’s groundwater is commendable, there are concerns about the process. The state consulted several stakeholders but excluded representatives from Punjab’s rice industry, which is integral to the paddy sector.” Pointing out that over 1,000 mills had custom milled rice in the affected blocks for years, he said: “We demand a high-level meeting with rice mill industry representatives before finalising any policy
Source Link : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/chandigarh/take-our-inputs-say-rice-millers/articleshow/113471686.cms