Tamil Nadu : Mill in Dharmapuri yet to start crushing, sugarcane farmers upset

Sugarcane farmers in Palacode, Dharmapuri, urged the local cooperative sugar mill to begin crushing operations early due to premature flowering caused by erratic climate conditions. Flowering reduces sucrose content and cane weight, lowering farmers’ profits. Despite setting a cultivation target of 2,800 hectares for 2024-25, only 31% has been achieved due to heatwaves and droughts earlier in the year.
DHARMAPURI: Sugarcane cultivators in Palacode urged the Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugarmill to start crushing operations early saying the erratic climate has resulted in early flowering in sugarcane.
Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugarmill in Palacode is the largest sugar mill in the Dharmapuri district. In 2023-24, the mill received 1.37,778 lakh tonnes of sugarcane for crushing and reported recovery of 10.10%. Farmers were given remuneration of Rs 3,565 per tonne. With area of cultivation shrinking, the mill authorities announced that crushing would be delayed which has disappointed farmers.
Speaking to TNIE, P Kannan from Kesarguli said, “ Sugarcane is a crop which brings profit once a year, as it takes about 10 to 11 months to mature. Because of this many farmers had stopped cultivating sugarcane and opted for crops which provide profit in a much shorter period. But still hundreds of farmers invest in sugarcane in Palacode.
Right now these farmers require the mill to operate early because the sugarcane plantations have started flowering. This means the sucrose and water content in the cane will drastically reduce and farmers would lose profits. This is also harmful for the mill as sugar recovery rate would reduce” he said.
Explaining the situation, another farmer, S Shanmugam from Vellichandai said, “Usually sugarcane is priced by weight. In the last grinding session a farmer received about Rs 3,500 per tonne. So weight determines the profits. This has left farmers concerned, as the climatic condition have resulted in early flowering. After flowering, cane would lose weight.”
Another farmer, P Ganeshan from Palacode said, “ This year’s climatic condition had greatly impacted the cultivation process. Between March and May, we had an intense drought and recently cyclone Fengal brought heavy rains. This erratic climatic condition has caused an early flowering. It is usual for Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugar Mill to start operations in January. But mill authorities have told us crushing may be delayed because of low production.”
As per data from the Agriculture department, the district has a normal coverage area of about 2,920 hectares under sugarcane cultivation. For 2024-35, a target of 2,800 hectares was set. But so far only 31 % of the target, which is 878 hectares have been achieved.
Oofficials in the Agriculture Department they said, “ The shrinkage in cultivation may be due to the erratic climatic conditions. This summer, the district faced a severe heat wave and this dissuaded several farmers from cultivating sugarcane.”
Managing Director of the Dharmapuri Cooperative Sugarmill, Ravi he was not available for comment.
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Source : The New Indian Express