UGS commissions two innovative biogas upgrading plants

Unconventional Gas Solutions (UGS) has commissioned two biogas upgrading plants in Michigan and Wisconsin, marking a significant innovation in renewable natural gas (RNG) technology. The facilities, Three Petals RNG in Wisconsin and Red Leaf RNG at Maple Row Dairy Farm in Michigan, collectively feed 800 Nm³/h of biomethane into the gas grid, meeting stringent grid requirements.
Sep 24, 2024
Unconventional Gas Solutions (UGS), a specialist in gas upgrading systems, has announced the successful commissioning of two innovative biogas upgrading plants in the US states of Michigan and Wisconsin.
The two plants, which together feed 800 Nm3/h of biomethane into the local gas grid, are the first UGS systems of their kind.
The two projects exemplify the company’s commitment to developing innovative and sustainable gas upgrading systems and offering economical solutions even under unusual conditions.
The projects were particularly challenging due to the change in operating procedures and the high grid requirements.
The first commissioning, the Three Petals RNG plant in Berlin, Wisconsin, was followed by the second – the Red Leaf RNG plant at the Maple Row Dairy Farm in Saranac, Michigan.
“Remarkably, the desulphurisation via the membrane unit itself, followed by the fine desulphurisation on the product gas side, means that the grid specifications can sometimes even be met without using the De-Oxo system. However, the DeOxo system
offers absolute safety for all our sites”, said Mark Hill, Co-CEO of Novilla RNG.
“This is because the oxygen remaining in the product gas is consumed in the reaction beds of the fine desulphurisation system during the reaction of H2S to Fe2S3, so that the limit value of 5 ppm can be met even without the DeOxo unit installed.”
“We have innovative solutions that can fill critical niches in this market. UGS offers systems manufactured both in the USA and in Europe, ensuring innovative solutions for the upcoming market requirements,” added Ben Bikson, CTO of UGS LLC.
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