Unlocking India’s edible oil potential: The impact of NMEO-OP

Due to the ever-increasing demand for edible oils in India, palm oil has become more essential to match the requirements and provide food security. The Government of India introduced “The National Mission on Edible Oils-Oil Palm (NMEO-OP)” in August 2021, with the sole object of encouraging domestic oilseeds production and increasing the area under oil palm (OP) cultivation aggressively through farmers across various states in India. The Government of India has substantially increased the subsidies for ongoing components and inputs required for cultivation.
For the first time, the Government introduced a viability price of fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) as assured returns to OP growers under NMEO-OP. The mission proposed to cover an additional 6.5 lakh hectares (ha.) under OP by FY 2025-26 with a special focus on North-East States. It is a very ambitious target. More than two years passed since NMEO-OP was introduced, and this is the time to review the progress now.