Wheat News in English

Wheat Falling Lower on Friday

​Wheat futures declined on Friday, with Chicago SRW May contracts down 3¾ cents to $5.28¼ per bushel, Kansas City HRW May futures dropping 14½ cents to $5.51¾, and Minneapolis spring wheat May futures decreasing 7½ cents to $5.81. Factors contributing to this decline include ongoing peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and favorable global harvests. ​
Pro Farmer

The wheat market is posting continued weakness on Friday. Chicago SRW futures are slipping back 8 to 9 cents at midday. Kansas City HRW contracts are leading the charge lower, with contracts down 17 to 18 cents. MPLS spring wheat is down 7 to 10 cents across the front months.

Rains forecast for the next week are seen totaling 1 to 3 inches in much of SRW country. HRW regions are relatively dry, with exceptions to eastern portions of the Southern Plains. 

USDA’s Export Sales data has wheat commitments at 21.092 MMT as of 3/20, which is 12% ahead of the same week last year. That is also just 93% of the USDA projection and lagging behind the 101% average pace.

NASS will report the March 1 Grain Stocks data next Monday, with a Bloomberg survey of traders looking for 1.221 bbu of wheat on hand on average. The range is from 1.169 to 1.26 bbu for the March 1 total. 

May 25 CBOT Wheat  is at $5.23 1/2, down 8 1/2 cents,

Jul 25 CBOT Wheat  is at $5.38 1/2, down 8 3/4 cents,

May 25 KCBT Wheat  is at $5.48 3/4, down 17 1/2 cents,

Jul 25 KCBT Wheat  is at $5.62 1/4, down 17 1/2 cents,

May 25 MGEX Wheat  is at $5.79 1/4, down 9 1/4 cents,

Jul 25 MGEX Wheat  is at $5.95 1/2, down 7 3/4 cents,

To read more about  Wheat News  continue reading Agriinsite.com

Source : Nasdaq.Com

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