Allora maize wins top crop in RASQ competition

ALLORA farmers David and Tanya Peters have taken top honours in the 2023 Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland Crop Competition with their Pioneer P1756 maize crop.
The dryland crop yielded 12.065 tonnes per hectare and scored the Davanya Grains entry 192 points.
Reserve champion crop went to Paul Elsden’s Elsden Farms at Brookstead for an irrigated entry, also P1756, which yielded 14.773t/ha and scored 169.9pts.
Presentations were made last month at the Toowoomba Royal Show.
Irrigated results
In irrigated classes, an entry from Lindsay and Duncan Krieg of Bostocks Farming Co won the sorghum section with a crop of Pioneer A75 which yielded 9.237t/ha and 158.1pts.
Behind the Elsden Farms entry in the maize class, second and third place were both grown at Condamine Plains.
A Pioneer P1315IT entry from Hamish and Fraser Bligh yielded 14.716t/ha and 169.3pts, ahead of Johannes Roellgen’s Tyunga Farms crop of P1756 which yielded 14.237t/ha and scored 163.8pts.
Ross Uebergang of Uebergang Ag at Chinchilla won the fibre crops class with a cotton crop which yielded 12.16 bales/ha and scored 140.4pts, ahead of a crop grown by Mike and Andrea Stewart at Byee which yielded 11.68b/ha and scored 134.9pts.
Dryland results
Pallathorpe Enterprises of Macalister scored a win in the dryland sorghum class for Kurt and Luke von Pein with a crop of Pacific Resolute which yielded 9.565t/ha and scored 154.6pts.
Pampas grower Michael Hegarty won second place with a crop of Pacific Acclaim which yielded 121.2pts and 7.497tha, and third with a Pacific MR Bazley crop with 5.643t/ha and 91.2pts.
Pallathorpe took out first and second place in the dryland cotton with crops that yielded 8.48b/ha and scored 124.9pts, and 8.01b/ha scoring 118pts.
Behind the Peters’ winning dryland maize crop was Jeff Lack of Allora with a crop of Pioneer P1837 yielding 10.613t/ha for 168.9pts, and a crop of Pac 804 grown by Melvin and Joshua Mengel of Nobby which yielded 10.257t/ha and scored 163.2pts.
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