Andhra Pradesh: 6,400 MTs of wheat, 7,000 MTs of rice to be e-auctioned on July 5

Sales of wheat and rice through e-auction will be done every Wednesday till further orders, says FCI official.
In an attempt to stabilise and check inflation in the retail prices of wheat and rice, the Food Corporation of India (FCI), Regional Office, Amaravati offered 6,839 MTs of wheat through the first e-auction on June, 28 2023, with the participation of 11 bidders and the sale of 900 MTs of wheat.
Barre Ramu, Public Relations Division of FCI, Andhra Pradesh Region told the media on July 3 (Monday) that around 6,400 MTs of wheat and 7,000 MTs of rice will be put to e-auction under Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) on July 5.
He said that further sales of wheat and rice through e-auction would continue every Wednesday till further orders. Interested flour millers, traders, empanelled bulk buyers, manufacturers of wheat and rice products may contact M-Junction at for further registration and participation in e-auction.
The Central government has decided to allow the open market sale of wheat and rice under OMSS (D) to stabilise the prices in the domestic market, he added.